Burano, Italy

An afternoon spent in Burano, a short distance from Venice, Italy. Featuring: Burano, Italy, Travel, Needle lace, Brightly colored houses, Vacation, Venice, Vaporetto


4/15/20221 min read

Burano, Italy is a charming island located about 4 miles from Venice. It’s historically best known for the traditional needle lace fashioned there by local artisans. These days it has become equally well-known as a fashion photographer’s / social media influencer’s paradise. The abundance of brightly colored houses makes for a stunning backdrop for photos at every turn.

We soaked in the scenery while traveling from Venice on an inexpensive, 45-minute vaporetto (Venetian water bus) ride and spent a lovely afternoon in Burano. While there, we savored a fantastic lasagna lunch al fresco at one of the local eateries and then strolled the streets looking at shops and taking in the relaxed atmosphere. Children playing in the squares, plein air painters creating masterpieces, and window-hanging laundry blowing in the breeze set the stage for an idyllic village atmosphere. Our visit made for a carefree respite from the hustle and bustle of nearby Venice.